6 Best Blogging Safety Tips to Make Your Blog Safe & Secure

Running a blog is a pleasure; doing so allows you to share ideas with countless individuals, some like-minded and others of a differing persuasion. The best success comes from building a community based on quality work that is backed by a reliable infrastructure. The worst type of failure comes from losing the faith of your customers because of someone else’s dirty play.

Secure Your Blog from Hackers
Publishers used to search; how to protect your blog? How to secure your blog? How to secure connection? Security checklist for blogging? How to secure blogspot? And so on.

Alongside the growth of blogging, there has been an equal growth in hacking. Blogs are the perfect target for cybercriminals looking for a ripe audience to fool into acquiring malware or submitting private information.

Blog attract millions of viewers, and larger blogs only make for better targets. Stop searching about how to protect blog or WordPress website from hackers or how to secure website and keep your WordPress blog safe and secure and just follow this comprehensive guide that will provide you tips to prevent your blog from getting hacked.
Tips To Protect Your Blog from Hackers - how to protect your blog? How to secure your blog? How to secure connection? Security checklist for blogging? how to secure blogspot? Bloggers required to consider the security checklist to make the blog safe and secure. Stop searching about how to protect blog or WordPress website from hackers or how to secure website and keep your WordPress blog safe and secure and follow this comprehensive guide that will provide you tips to prevent your blog from getting hacked.
Tips To Protect Your Blog from Hackers - how to protect your blog? How to secure your blog? How to secure connection? Security checklist for blogging? how to secure blogspot? Bloggers required to consider the security checklist to make the blog safe and secure. Stop searching about how to protect blog or WordPress website from hackers or how to secure website and keep your WordPress blog safe and secure and follow this comprehensive guide that will provide you tips to prevent your blog from getting hacked.
Last time you have seen; 6 Ways To Protect An eCommerce Website [Online Store] Against Hacks & Frauds and today we are going to see 5 major tips that will protect your blog from hackers.

Top 6 Tips to Make Your Blog Safe from Hackers.

As you grow your blog, security is something that should always be in the back of your mind. It should be automatic and absolute; leaving your audience’s safety to chance can only lead to disaster. Yet you can certainly do something about it! In fact, we’ll cover five different strategies today.

Bloggers required to consider the security checklist to make the blog safe and secure:

1. Always Secure Your Connection

One of the most easily overlooked areas of security by bloggers (and nearly all internet users for that matter) is your connection. Both content creators and readers alike will install an anti-virus program or app and think that they’re safe enough. Traditionally, they aren’t wrong— many problems such as stolen accounts originate from malware.

But criminals have become much more sophisticated than they were in the early days of the internet. Employing the lack of security in many WiFi networks, the hackers can hide in and steal virtually anything they want from someone’s device. That includes phones, tablets, and PCs.

Using a single secure network is one choice, but the mobile era has made that difficult. Instead, it seems more reliable to use a Virtual Private Network (VPN) service wherever you go. According to Secure Thoughts, “a VPN is the best way to protect your data from hackers and snoops.” That’s because a VPN encrypts everything passing through your internet connection. It’s like putting all of your data into a secure safe every time it leaves your computer.

The convenience associated with a consistently secure connection means being able to work from anywhere, anytime without needing to be concerned about hackers lurking on WiFi networks. For the small price associated with a VPN, it’s an easy decision.

For better understandings you must check; Wildcard SSL Certificates & Its Importance to Business | PR | DA | SEO | Security Certification

2. Keep Software Updated

Speaking of software, bloggers tend to use a variety of different apps and programs to get the job done. Whether we’re talking about themes, plugins, helpful apps such as EverNote or your anti-malware tools, there’s a shared problem: outdated versions can become vulnerable to hackers.

In most cases, we associate software updates with some new quirks or features. We may even lose access to a preferred interface as a result. Herein lays the problem for most users: to avoid having to deal with something new, we put off updating until later.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of updates are for security purposes. As a program gets older, hackers have time to find exploits and vulnerabilities that can be used to steal or harm other users’ data. Updates typically fix these “bugs” and make continued use safe. Don’t get caught off guard. Check for updates on everything your device uses on a regular basis. Nearly all of these updates are free, and they can be the difference between a great day and an extremely terrible day.

There may come a time when you need to make a difficult decision about plugins or themes on your page. Sometimes authors reject their software, and there are no further updates. At that point, it may be necessary to follow the entire software functions and abandon their software, as it could become a responsibility to your whole blog.

Check out; 10 Proven Ways To Increase Domain Authority (DA) Fast in Your Blogging Niche | Updated

3. Check for Vulnerable Scripting

Vulnerabilities come in all shapes and sizes. Scripting errors are one of the hardest to notice because unless you’re a coding expert, you’ll need a little help. Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) exploits can be used on pages with vulnerable coding to inject malware into visitors by using your page as a host for their nasty scripts.

Because of the technical trickiness of correcting scripting errors, I recommend having a professional handle matter for you. That doesn’t mean you’ll need to hire someone extra technical. Services such as Acunetix can scan your page for you and help remove any problems. If you’re savvier with coding, you can save some money in this area, but it may be easier just to have it done by a 3rd party.

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Related; Top 10 Ways To Secure WordPress Websites Like A Pro | WordPress Security Best Practices

4. Moderate Your Pages

The most successful blogs typically end up with a fairly sizable comment section. But even the best blogs end up with neglected sections; old posts are often forgotten about by their creators. The internet doesn’t see things quite the same. Old posts may still be very relevant to specific searches and may lead new visitors to read and add comments. You may also like to know; Top 3 Key Reasons To Review, Edit & Republish Old Posts | Build Website Traffic

Having a discussion that isn’t properly moderated can be a danger to you and your visitors. Hackers can use your comments sections to post links to malicious web pages. Simply deleting these posts is usually sufficient; the key is doing so immediately before anyone gets hurt the results of inaction.

It may be worth investing in a notification system to let you know when a new feedback appears on your blog. That way, you won’t need to be as attentive.

Check put; 20 Lessons I’ve Learned from 10 Years Of Blogging

5. Backup Everything

The best of plans frequently go wrong. Hackers are always inventing new ways to steal information and bypass even the top forms of security software. And while you can’t prevent every bad thing from happening, you can be prepared for when it does.

Making a backup of your blog on a regular basis is a surefire way to handle “worst-case scenarios.” The question on your mind shouldn’t be whether or not to back up your page, but how to do it.

There are a few different ways to handle a backup. One method is to use a service that automatically backs your pages up on a regular basis. Services such as Blogger Backup Utility and BlogBackupr can assist you in backing up your page at regular intervals. In the case of BlogBackupr, their subscription service automatically backs your blog up every day.

If you prefer to do things manually, you can do so through services such as WordPress. It may even be worthwhile to store a backup of your blog offline where it’s totally safe from any form of digital foul play.

You also need to know; 8 Precautions To Be Taken During Database Backup | Database Security Tips

6. Vigilance Is Key

Whether you implement just one or some mixture of security measures against hackers, know that being attentive is what will ultimately bring it all together. If blogging is truly a work of passion for you, security should become the second world. Think of it as locking your car doors and you’ll go far.

Don't forget to check; Top 3 Challenges for Staying Safe Online While You Surfing The Internet | Beginners Guide

Bottom Line

If you’ve got tricks for keeping your blog safe, feel free to post them in the comments section. We’d love to hear how you’re keeping things secure!

Article By Cassie — is an internet security specialist who likes to write about blogs and how bloggers can better protect themselves online. She’s equally interested in emerging technologies and how they can help the average person.

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