17 Most Important Pages Published on A Website [Google Checklist]

People have different ways and styles to write their own blog pages. Obviously, not everyone writes the blog content with the same style. You can see on the internet, there are billions of websites and blogs are being created day-by-day with the help of Varieties of blog topics available on the internet. Also, how come Google come to know a particular page should be shown to specific people that they want to read? This is what exactly we are going to learn through this page.
What pages to have on your website?
If you look at your web page carefully (like Google does), you will probably notice that some things are currently missing but those are there on other well-known websites or on your competitor's websites. No doubt, your website is filled with loads of pages and you spend months or years on your website to grow. But, Google expected something to be seen on your website and it will gives your blog an extra credit if Google finds exact things according to the audience. Certainly, Google will push your page in the top list of search result pages.

What Google wants from the website? There are some random and common things that Google searches most often on your blog page; like visits, traffic, your audience, domain authority, etc. Google always looks after people's search and what people exactly want from the search engine. If you write a proper page from the customer's or Google's point of view, the search engine will easily make your page visible in the list of top Google search result pages. Google is a smart search engine that knows everything about your website and your activities related to blog pages. But in this article let's find out what Google exactly wants to see on your website. Check out the top 17 pages Google wants to see on your blog and you must-haves for any website.
Pages Every Website Should Have: Discover which pages are essential for your website and optimize it to meet your readers' needs. By including the 17 most important pages on your blog or website, you can improve your user experience, increase engagement, and boost your search engine rankings. Understanding what your readers are looking for and tailoring your website accordingly can also help you build trust and authority in your niche. With the right pages in place, your website can become a valuable resource for your audience and a powerful tool for your business.
Pages Every Website Should Have: Discover which pages are essential for your website and optimize it to meet your readers' needs. By including the 17 most important pages on your blog or website, you can improve your user experience, increase engagement, and boost your search engine rankings. Understanding what your readers are looking for and tailoring your website accordingly can also help you build trust and authority in your niche. With the right pages in place, your website can become a valuable resource for your audience and a powerful tool for your business.

What pages should be included on every website?

To create a comprehensive website, it is essential to include certain pages that provide important information to visitors. The Home page should give a clear overview of the website and its purpose. The About Us page provides background information about the business or individual running the website, while the Contact Us page allows visitors to get in touch.

Other important pages include the Products/Services page, which provides information about what the website offers, and the FAQ page, which answers common questions. It is also beneficial to have a Blog page to regularly update the website with new content and a Privacy Policy page to inform visitors about how their personal information is collected and used. These pages help to establish credibility, build trust, and provide a better user experience.

What Are Important Things Every Website Should Have?

Every website should have a few essential elements that make it user-friendly and accessible. One of the most important things a website should have is a clear and concise navigation menu that helps users find the information they need quickly and easily. Additionally, websites should have a search bar that allows users to search for specific content.

Another important element for websites is responsive design. This means that the website should be optimized for all devices, including desktops, laptops, tablets, and smartphones. Additionally, a website should have a fast load time to keep users engaged and prevent them from leaving the site. Finally, every website should have clear calls-to-action that direct users to take specific actions, such as signing up for a newsletter or purchasing a product.

How many pages is too much for a website?

If you're wondering how many pages to include on your website, there is no magic number, but user experience and SEO play a critical role in deciding how much content your website needs. A website should have enough pages to provide value to its audience, but not so many that it becomes overwhelming or confusing.

The focus should be on creating high-quality content and organizing it in a way that is easy to navigate. Having a clear site structure and internal linking between pages can also help visitors find what they are looking for quickly. In short, the number of pages on a website is less important than the quality and value of the content.

At a Minimum What Page Is Required for A Website?

To have a successful website, at a minimum, one page is required, that is the homepage. The homepage is the first thing a visitor sees when they visit a website, and it should have all the necessary information about the website.

However, most websites have additional pages that serve different purposes, such as an "About Us" page, a "Contact Us" page, and a "Services" page. These additional pages help provide more information about the website and its offerings, which can help with SEO.

It's important to keep in mind that the content of these pages should be well-written and optimized for SEO. This will help improve the website's visibility in search engine results and attract more visitors.

Pages are important for a website because they provide the structure and content necessary to communicate information to visitors. Each page serves a specific purpose, whether it is to provide information about a product, service, or company, or to encourage users to take a specific action, such as making a purchase or submitting a contact form.

Pages also provide opportunities for search engine optimization (SEO), as each page can target specific keywords and help improve the overall ranking of the website. Additionally, having a variety of pages can increase the overall size and value of the website, providing visitors with a more comprehensive experience. Lets see in details what are those important pages every website must publish not just for readers but also for search engines to drive more organic traffic.

17 Pages every website should have

I've listed a couple of things which Google always looking in websites, checkout below:

1. Disclaimer.

Disclaimer Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Disclaimer Page
Many times you might have seen in any video that there is a short disclaimer people posted before starting the video. Likewise, Google also looks after such disclaimer pages. So, obviously, you will also need to add a short disclaimer page on your website so that it helps to make an impression on Google.

Disclaimer is the page that instructs what you are going to mention on your blog. Because the page may not be suited for all the people. So, it is most important to add Disclaimer page on your website.

2. Privacy policy page.

Privacy policy page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Privacy policy page
A privacy policy is a legal document that tells your visitors about your website and your business. In short, it is a short explanation of what you are doing to address your visitors through your website. Having this Privacy policy page on your website is important according to Google.

Google prefers those websites first who have published privacy policy pages on their websites. Having a privacy page on your website seems like you are giving your audience data protection, security, assurity, etc. As a result, this Privacy Policy page helps to boost search ranking of your website.

3. Testimonial.

Testimonial Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Testimonial Page
A testimonial disclaimer is a legal statement of your income that you have to add in your website. Google always wants to find this page on your website. Whatever you are posting on your website, you always have to be clear and honest with your visitors.

If you're going to make some income by clicking any links from your visitors on your site, you need to tell them by the page of testimonial disclaimer on your website. Probably this page tells your visitors about your income through affiliate links on your blog page. Google prefers this kind of page most, and also check that you are open-minded and transparent enough with the audience.

4. Reprint material page.

Reprint material page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Reprint material page
Billions of websites and information are available on Google, but as a smart and popular search engine, you cannot fool Google. In fact, you can't simply copy the information from Google and paste it on your website. If Google finds any copied material on your page, either your reputation will be down or your website can be banned. This is one of the important rules in the Google search engine.

But sometimes, there are some subjects where you have to copy something from another website(s), but Google allows you to copy maximum up to 7 percent; not more than that. And this is what Google always checks on your website. And this rule applies not just for you but for everyone. Google always prefer and gives credit to those pages where there is the section of reprint material. Make sure to add this page, so you can contact anyone who copied content from your website and you can demand some money for any copied material.

5. Solid branding.

Branding Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Branding Page
This seems like a very very common thing that almost everyone is aware but I would like to tell you, Google is always looking for branding updates on your website. Recently, Google is evolving from day to day and shifting towards the establishment of brands and websites. Make sure to add some attached links and make promotional links on your websites which will contribute towards building a "brand" of your website.

Google is really looking to send their customers to trusted and branded sites. It is your responsibility to make your site to be trusted for both Google and customers as well. Obviously, your page will get huge traffic by doing this.

6. Home page.

Home Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Home Page
As the name itself says, this is the very important page every website should have. We all know that people are visiting the pages directly during the searching and the homepage is mostly not visited by people. But this is still very important to publish a homepage because not just humans but Google is also visiting your website.

The homepage tells everyone about who you are and what your company does. This page quickly captures the attention of your visitors within a second. So pleased make sure to create this page for your website and it should be well-designed, fast-loading, and should look professional.

7. 404: Page not found page.

404 Page not found Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
404 Page not found Page
Technically, it is called 404 error. A page-not-found is a dummy page that will be presented to the user if any of your pages are no longer exist, expired, or moved to some other location.

This page is a standard HTML page that you can customize and design as you want it. Google looking for this page and its like checking whether you have done something for your visitors if they land on some non-existing page erroneously.

8. About yourself.

About yourself Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
About yourself Page
It's an ideal situation where you promote your website and your professional brand in an online market. Google always looks for information about yourself on your website. And this "About Us" page lets Google think that you are trustworthy and can do business with customers.

By providing some information about you will make a big impact and also it makes a self-identity of you. Google promotes such websites. Any potential clients, employers, and other people can go to your 'About Us' page to learn more about you. By providing this page, people get clear information about who you are and what you are doing. It builds a trust factor not just within Google search engine but also within your audience.

9. License.

License Page - Pages Every Website Should Have
License Page
License page is kind of proof about whatever you are providing to the people (service or product), it is real, legal and legitimate.

Google always respects those websites that don't forget to add the license page on their website. So, please make sure to add the license center page for whatever you are offering (service or product) to the users.

10. Write for us page.

Write for us page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Write for us page
Any blogger or any business website always looks for a content writer and for that, they hire employees who could work for them. So likewise, you can also add write for us page on your website that will mention details of your work and ethics according to the people.

You may also add a career page on your website. This way, people will come to know about your business and they can join-in your journey. Make sure to provide detailed information under this section.

11. About us page.

About us page - Pages Every Website Should Have
About us page
It is mandatory for each and every website to publish About Us page. This is one of the most important pages on the website. This page should have a short summary of your service, content, information, even about you and this needs to be presented to all of your visitors. This page helps to provide company history, product, and service information to the people.

In this section, you can easily make your company's profile and identity in a short summary. When you create your website, About us section is a mandated thing from Google's perspective. So please make sure you should have this on your website.

12. Service page.

Service page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Service page
This page is also one of the important pages from Google's point of view. No matter you are promoting your own product of you are giving services to the people, almost all the websites should have this page. The page should enlist details of all the things you do for the people through your website.

Please do not forget to include all of your services along with the proper details. You can even add bullet points and make a short explanation. You can also add links so that people can browse across your website to get more detailed information about your services and products.

13. Contact Us page.

Contact Us page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Contact Us page
This is yet another "mandatory" page that every website should create. You must have seen this page already while browsing across the website during your searches. This page helps all of your customers and visitors to keep in touch with you. Contact Us page shows your contacting details in terms of phone numbers, email address, physical mailing address etc.

You might have seen this Contact Us link at the footer of almost all the websites you visited. This is for the visitors who can easily and quickly contact you irrespective of the page that they are currently viewing.

14. Terms and conditions page.

Terms and conditions page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Terms and conditions page
Similar to other important pages like Privacy Policy, About Us, Contact Us, etc., Terms and Conditions page is also important to add on your website. This page explains the rules, terms, conditions, regulations (whatever you could name those) for all the information you are presenting through your website. People must agree to your Terms & Conditions in order to use your website/information.

In this section, you will need to add some terms and laws about your website and some other information like; the country laws that govern the agreement, intellectual property disclosure, and many other things that should be mentioned in terms and conditions page.

15. Sitemap page.

Sitemap page - Pages Every Website Should Have
Sitemap page
Sitemaps page usually comes in two formats; XML or HTML sitemaps.

XML format is made for search engine bots. It helps Google search engines to discover your content and blog page. Whereas, HTML formats are made for your human visitors. And it is good to have from SEO standpoint.

The sitemap page is a non-fancy index page that lists all the web pages you have on your website. A sitemap is a kind of mandatory thing for all the websites and is important from Google and Google search engine perspective. It's like Table of Content of the book which typically shows readers what are the topics that the book-author is going to cover in the book.

16. Problem solving contents.

Problem solving contents - Pages Every Website Should Have
Problem solving contents
When you write your content, it is obvious that you add keywords to attract targeted people but instead of that, Google always looking for intention behind the search. Basically, any blogger needs to keep these variations in their mind when writing any content. Please try to think from "solving people problems" perspective instead of writing content to focus only on how to fool the search engine.

The main point here I want to make is that Google always wants to direct people to those websites that are "real problem-solvers". How can you more comprehensively solve people problems through your content matters a lot and Google will decide whether your website will go to the top-rankings or not. So, you need to figure out new ways to solve problems of the people with the context of your own blogs.

17. Mobile-friendly designs and features.

Mobile-friendly Design
Mobile-friendly Design
Recently, Google just launched mobile-friendly updates and this is because approximately 60% to 65% of users are using their mobiles for searching. Obviously, every blogger should try to upgrade themselves according to this and have to redesign the website to make it mobile-friendly according to the audience coming onto their websites. If you could not make your website mobile-friendly, obviously you are going to lose 60-65% of the audience. You will have to cope-up with the current market behavior accordingly.

This is the correct time to adopt trending technology. Usually, Google diverts traffic to your website if the content is demanding; no matter people are coming onto your website from laptops or mobiles. It's your responsibility to do something for your audience so that they can read all the information either on their laptops or on their mobiles. Make sure to use a mobile-friendly or responsive template for your website. You will also get a range of designs and features so that Google will push your web page towards people when they search on Google search engine and you won't be unnoticed ever.

VIDEO: Most Important Pages Every Website Should Have

At the end I must say, Google looks for on a website in terms of visits, traffic, audience, and domain authority. By understanding what people are searching for and writing customer-centric pages, your website will rank higher in Google search results. Google is a smart search engine that keeps track of everything you do on your website. These are the top 17 pages that search engines wants to see on a blog, including must-haves for any website.

Overall, these are most valuable insights into the factors that search bots considers important for a website's success, and practical tips on how to optimize your pages for maximum visibility.

Anyways, if you know something else more promising than what I've enlisted above and want to suggest any other things, do not hesitate to use below comment section.

Feel free to get in touch with me anytime.
Happy to hear from you and would like to share as much information as possible to help others.

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