Transfer iPhone Files to Windows PC (Without Cable/ iTunes/ Wire/ USB/ BlueTooth/ App/ Software/ Internet) With High Quality

If you've just started reading this page, that means you have held an iPhone in one hand and searching to find an easy way to transfer files between your iPhone and your Windows PC without cable or any app. Still struggling to transfer files between your iPhone and Windows PC? Ditch the cables, software downloads, and Wi-Fi connections! This quick guide shows a smart technique for wireless file transfer directly between your iOS devices too. Learn how to use a hidden iPhone feature to copy/move photos, videos, documents, and more with ease without losing quality without using the cable and without using the internet.

Transfer files from iPhone to computer wirelessly
This method is perfect for situations where traditional options are not working. So just simplify your file transfer process and have full file management control with this creative solution.

Luckily for you, I've found an outstanding method that allows you to quickly and easily import or export any files from your iPhone to your Windows PC without the need for a data cable or any third-party apps.

This method will not cause any quality loss, you will have all your photos and videos transferred to your Windows PC as it was captured, in real high quality.

All you are required to do is connect both your Windows PC and iPhone to the same Wi-Fi network and follow a few simple steps listed below, regardless of whether the network has an internet connection or not.

If this sounds interesting to you, then be sure to keep reading this tutorial until the end to find out how.
Transfer iPhone Files to Windows PC (Without Cable/iTunes/Wire/USB/BlueTooth/App/Software/Internet) With High Quality
Transfer iPhone Files to Windows PC (Without Cable/iTunes/Wire/USB/BlueTooth/App/Software/Internet) With High Quality

Transfer iPhone Files to Windows PC (Without Cable/iTunes/Wire/USB/BlueTooth/App/Software/Internet) With High Quality

This process not only provides easeness but also offers flexibility in accessing and managing files across different OS. Whether you need to view, copy, or move files, having this setup provides quick file management without cable or the need for additional 3rd party applications or complicated online techniques.

Step 1: Adding New User in Windows System

Adding New User in Windows System
Adding New User in Windows System
First things first, we need to add a new user to your Windows PC. Don't worry, it's super easy and I'll guide you through it step-by-step.

[I am guiding this on Windows 10, but it will work with all the operating system versions too.]
Steps to add a new user in Windows:
  1. Open User Account Settings: Type "add, edit, or remove other users" in the search bar and click on the corresponding option that appears.

  2. Select "Add Another User to This PC": In the User Account Settings window, look for the option that says "Add another user to this PC" and click on it.

  3. Choose "I don't have this person's sign-in information": Instead of signing in with an existing Microsoft account, click on the link that says "I don't have this person's sign-in information".

  4. Opt for "Add a User Without a Microsoft Account": In the subsequent window, choose the option that allows you to add a user without a Microsoft account.

  5. Enter User Details: Provide a username, such as "SharingAccount", for the new user. Additionally, set a password that is easy to remember. Make sure to note down both the username and password for future reference.

  6. Answer Security Questions and Proceed: You may be prompted to answer security questions for the new user account. Answer these questions and then select "Next" to proceed.

  7. Complete the Process: Follow any remaining prompts to finalize the creation of the new user account.

With these steps, you've successfully added a new user to your Windows system. Make sure to keep track of the username, password, and any security questions associated with the new account.

Step 2: Create Sharing Folder

Once added the new user, lets create a folder on your desktop that will be used as a channel to transfer files between the two devices. We'll name the folder "SharingFolder", but you can give it whatever name you want.

After creating the folder, we'll go to its properties, click on the sharing tab, and then advanced sharing. Here, we'll check "Share this folder" and then click on permissions, followed by add. We'll enter the username we created earlier and grant them full control.
Steps to create a folder on the desktop and use it as a channel to transfer files between two devices:
  1. Create a Folder on the Desktop:
    • Right-click on an empty area of the desktop, hover over "New", and then select "Folder".
    • Name the folder "SharingFolder" or any other desired name.

  2. Configure Folder Sharing:
    • Right-click on the newly created folder ("SharingFolder") and select "Properties".
    • In the Properties window, click on the "Sharing" tab.
    • Click on "Advanced Sharing".
    • Check the box that says "Share this folder".
    • Click on the "Permissions" button.

  3. Add User Permissions:
    • In the Permissions window, click on "Add".
    • Enter the username "SharingAccount" (or the appropriate username) in the provided box.
    • Click on "Check Names" to verify the username, then click "OK".
    • Select the added username from the list.
    • Under "Permissions for [username]", check the box for "Full Control".
    • Click "Apply", then click "OK" to close the Permissions window.

  4. Share the Folder:
    • Back in the Properties window, click on the "Share" button.
    • From the drop-down menu, select the username ("SharingAccount") you added earlier.
    • Set the permissions for the user to both "Read" and "Write".
    • Click "Share", then click "Done" to close the sharing wizard.

  5. Finish Setup:
    • Close the Properties window.
    • Your folder is now shared and ready for use as a channel to transfer files between devices.

Step 3: Connecting To Shared Folders

Connecting to Shared Folders Using Server on Iphone and Windows
Connecting to Shared Folders Using Server on Iphone and Windows
With that done, we'll move on to the final step - transferring files! To do this, we'll open the Files app on your iPhone, press on the three-dot menu from the top right corner of your screen, and select "Connect to Server". We'll then add your network IP address to the server (don't worry, we'll show you how to find it!).

Finally, we'll type in your user ID and password, check on "Registered User", and hit "Next". Voila! We're now connected to the server and can access the folder.
Steps to transfer files from an iPhone to a Windows PC:
  1. Retrieve Network IP Address on Windows PC:
    • On your Windows PC, search for "network status" in the search bar and select "Network status" from the results.
    • In the Network Status window, select "Properties".
    • Ensure that the network profile is set to "Private".
    • Scroll down to find the IP address listed under "IPv4 Address".

  2. Open Files App on iPhone:
    • Unlock your iPhone and open the Files app.

  3. Connect to Server:
    • In the Files app on your iPhone, tap on the three-dot menu located in the top right corner of the screen.
    • Select "Connect to Server".

  4. Enter IP Address:
    • Enter the IP address of your Windows PC into the server address field.

  5. Provide User ID and Password:
    • Enter your user ID (username) and password associated with your Windows PC.
    • Check the box labeled "Registered User".

  6. Establish Connection:
    • Tap on "Next" to initiate the connection.

  7. Access the Folder:
    • Once connected, you should be able to access the shared folder on your Windows PC from your iPhone.

Step 4: Smooth file transfering between Windows and iPhone

Absolutely, setting up this file transfer method between your iPhone and Windows PC simplify your file managment totally and make smooth transferring files.

Once the initial setup is complete, you can easily move files back & forth between the devices, whether it's copying files from your PC to your iPhone or vice versa.
Setting up a quick file transfer between your Windows PC and iPhone using the provided method, follow these steps:
  1. Transfer Files from PC to iPhone:
    • Add files to the "SharingFolder" folder on your PC.
    • Access the Files app on your iPhone.
    • Open the "SharingFolder" folder under the network connection established in the previous steps.
    • View or copy the files to your iPhone's internal storage.

  2. Transfer Files from iPhone to PC:
    • Copy files from your iPhone's internal storage.
    • Paste the files into the "SharingFolder" folder on your iPhone.
    • Access the "SharingFolder" folder on your PC through the network connection.
    • Copy the files from the "SharingFolder" folder to your PC.

  3. Enjoy Hassle-Free File Transfer:
    • Once set up, you can conveniently transfer files between your devices without repeated configurations.
    • Files added to the "SharingFolder" folder on either device become accessible on the other device, streamlining the transfer process.

With just a one-time setup, you'll have a reliable medium for transferring files between your PC to iPhone, making it a convenient solution for managing your digital content across variety of systems. It's indeed an excellent way to simplify file transfers and enhance your productivity!

It's not mandatory to create a new account if you don't want to. You have the option to skip creating a new account altogether. This process remains useful even if you not create a new account in first step.

If you can remember the password for your current user account, there's no need to go through the first step of setting up a new one. The decision is entirely up to you.

Bottom Line

And that's all about today's tutorial of how you can transfer files from iphone to windows pc without needing any cables software or internet! If you found this tutorial helpful, be sure to give it a thumbs up, share it with your friends, and let us know your thoughts in the comment section shown below.

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