Will AI-Written Articles Rank in Google Search Results & Discover?

Hey content creators! Haven't you still wondered what if robots could one day replace human writers and start writing articles for your favorite websites? Believe it or not, a number of articles written with the help of AI are already present on the Internet. But here is the real question: will these AI-powered articles get listed on the top positions in Google Discover feed and search results? Will Google give priority to such articles? Does Google index and rank AI generated content? Maybe, but it depends! The answer is a bit tricky, my friend!

Ranking AI-Powered web content
Recently while talking with fellow publishers, I have seen most of the online content writers and especially bloggers have lots of questions like; can AI-generated content affect a website's SEO? How much AI-generated content is acceptable? Does Jasper AI really work to help rank? Does AI-generated content rank on search engines? Can Google differentiate between AI-generated and human-generated content? Is Google taking action against the use of AI-generated content? Is there a tool that can detect AI-generated content? How does AI-generated content rank on search engines? Does Google penalize websites that use AI-generated content? And much more. And so decided to write about this, resulting in this quick AI content writing tutorial about how you can optimize your website for both human readers & search engines.

You see, Google always looking to provide its searchers with high-quality, useful, valuable, and engaging content so that every user can enjoy reading interesting and informative articles. So, whether or not an AI-generated article gets priority depends on a few factors.
You are going to learn here today:
  • Considering AI is good for content creation?
  • Will AI-written articles get listed at the top of search results?
  • How to use AI for content creation & ranking
  • Cons of AI writing
  • How AI can actually help you write better SEO content
  • Optimizing your AI-generated content for humans & search engines

To find out more about this important topic specially after Google AI algorithm updates, check out this latest newsletter from PBB! Learn how to smartly use AI for better content creation & optimize your website for maximum visibility.
Will AI-written articles rank in Google Discover & search results? Unlock the secrets & optimize your content! Know AI-powered content optimization and its impact on Google Discover feed and search engine rankings. Learn how to use AI cleverly for better content creation and optimize your website for maximum visibility. And also learn how to combine AI's efficiency with human expertise to build high-quality, SEO-friendly content that stands out. Optimize your website for both human readers & search engines.
Will AI-written articles rank in Google Discover & search results? Unlock the secrets & optimize your content! Know AI-powered content optimization and its impact on Google Discover feed and search engine rankings. Learn how to use AI cleverly for better content creation and optimize your website for maximum visibility. And also learn how to combine AI's efficiency with human expertise to build high-quality, SEO-friendly content that stands out. Optimize your website for both human readers & search engines.

Why Google Reject Your AI-Generated Content?

Why Google Reject Your AI-Generated Content
Why Google Reject Your AI-Generated Content?
You know more than 85% of bad AI articles fail. WHY?

For example: Imagine you are searching for “best pizza outlets in Delhi”.

Google wants to show you well-written articles featuring reviews, unique insights, and maybe even a location with Google Maps. An AI article that just copies restaurant names from another website won't be useful content, right?
Check out top 3 reasons why your AI content sucks:
  1. Robot copycats: Sometimes, AI articles simply copy and paste information from the internet, more chance of resulting in irrelevant and misleading content.

  2. Lack of Human Touch: Robot articles often read like robots – a kind of machine language and empty of human emotion. They fail to engage readers & drive user interest.

  3. The boring stuff: It is possible that the article is full of mistakes and is boring to read.
And therefore, the Google will not show such articles on priority in the Discover feed or search results.
So, in reality, AI should be in the role of a helper for content creators, not their replacement.

At least looking at the existing AI tools, where can it go? Right now human touch is necessary for it. This is because the latest Google Core update emphasizes user experience and quality content.

In such a situation, AI can be a great start for research, data analysis, and gathering content ideas, but human creativity and editorial monitoring are important for content creation to attract and influence users.

AI tools are still being developed and may have some flaws. This will change with time and as they mature, the amount of human intervention will reduce.

Factors affecting Search Ranking of AI-Generated articles

While AI has the potential to be helpful in article writing, it can negatively impact Google rankings if used incorrectly. So what are the things that can negatively affect the ranking of articles prepared with its help?

Factors affecting Search Ranking of AI-Written articles:

1. Low Quality Content

If AI-generated articles are factually incorrect or inappropriately written, so without a doubt, they will not rank.

Google prioritizes high-quality, useful, and accurate information.

You can see, with the latest AI-writing tools, the articles generated by AI may NOT often contain spelling and grammatical mistakes, but there are chances of factual mistakes and misleading or incomplete information.

2. Excessive AI Dependence

If articles are generated entirely with the help of AI and published without human review and editing, Google will definitely consider those pages for low-quality content.

Human writers are important to ensure that articles are relevant and engaging.

3. Spamming

If AI is used to produce spam or low-quality articles, Google may remove the entire site from search results.

Now as AI grows, the Google crawler uses various algorithms and technologies to prevent spamming and manipulation.

Generating large amounts of spam articles using AI is a violation of Google's guidelines.

4. Copyright Infringement

AI should not be used to generate copyrighted material.

Google is very good at identifying and removing copyrighted material.

There are many tools on Google that are great at identifying and removing copyrighted material, they can be used to punish those fully AI-powered articles as quickly as possible.

Will Articles Generated with The Help of HUMAN & AI Rank in Google Discover Feed and Search?

Good AI articles can rank, but with one conditions: AI-Writing with the flavor of Human Touch

Just take an example, imagine you running a health website. You can use an 'AI research assistant' that analyzes the latest medical research, finding reliable sources. Even that AI bot prepares an initial draft of the article.

Then, you, as a professional content creator, review that information with the help of an experienced doctor or health expert, add your expertise, and make the article simple and understandable.

This kind of collaborative work, where AI does the research and prepares the basic copy and then you as a 'Human Copy Editor' explains it, write it, making it more useful and engaging, can satisfy Google's algorithm rules and guidelines.

This type of article prepared with the help of AI, which has the flavor of your expertise, can get a good rank in Google Discover or Google Search result pages.

I recommed you to read the latest trending page that talks about I Want to Be a Content Writer. How Should I Start?


This is a term in which you can rewrite/edit or add something to the articles prepared with the help of AI as per your convenience. In such a situation, you can add a human touch or a case study to make it more personalized and engaging. This is a great way to double-check the facts and make sure everything is accurate.

For example: Let's say you are searching for "How to cure pimples at home naturally". Google wants to show you useful articles that are safe to follow and in which effective home remedies are also mentioned.

So a good AI-written article can mention a reference from the scientific research database and also provide more information by comparing the effects of various natural ingredients. And the content is written with human touch. How to do that?

AI-Optimization Process: Optimize Your Website for Both Human Readers & Search Engines

  • Once the AI has made the first draft for the page, you need to work as a creator. A human copy editor like you can then walk through the entire process in simple steps.

  • To make it more useful, and authenticated, you can get advice from experts in that matter. You can add extra but related information about additional safety while using it.

  • Just make sure to add all your information in your own language without getting any help from AI bots.

  • Such a balanced article with a human touch & AI will be useful and reliable.
This is how you can optimize your AI content with a human touch. Such articles get priority from any search engine including Google.

Bottom Line

If AI is used responsibly, strategically, and organically, it can help in content creators work more efficiently. AI with human editors can create high-quality content, and reach a wider range of users.

Last but not Least..!

Google encourages the use of AI tools but also wants websites to use disclaimers to inform users that AI was used to create the content.

Disclaimer plays an important role in promoting high-quality content and providing a better experience for users.

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